HEAL Corner

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HEAL Corner

HEAL Corner

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HEAL Corner


clock2 June 2022

SALAMAH KHAN – Moulded with love

“My hope for the future is to be able to pay what I have received forward and inspire others.”

Salamah Khan, 37, loves playing with her cats and also solves Rubik’s Cube puzzles as a way to de-stress. She remains determined and optimistic through her journey in recovery from mental health challenges. She describes her road to recovery as one that is complicated and challenging. It was so tough that she had attempted suicide eight times. Growing up, she faced difficulties as she has special needs. Salamah was then later diagnosed with depression in 2011, and has since received the more accurate diagnosis of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Dissociative Disorder.

She used to be easily triggered and overwhelmed by emotions. It was hard for others to understand her and she herself was not able to understand what she was going through at that point. She was referred to Club HEAL in 2015, where she received counselling support, and participated actively in the programmes offered, mainly at Rehab and Our Healing Voice (OHV). She continues to attend Rehab, determined to pick up the skill of her choice - pottery, a therapeutic craft that allows her to feel focused and grounded.

In OHV, she learns more about her condition, and strengthens her knowledge about recovery and coping strategies. She also shares her recovery story on various platforms. She is now a peer leader for OHV, inspiring others with her wisdom and experience at peer support group sessions.

In Club HEAL, she has seen that recovery is possible as evidenced by other peers who have walked the journey and emerged stronger. “The biggest lesson of my life is to work on humility because in the eyes of God – we are all equal and one person is not superior to another. Behind every struggle, there are blessings, and these struggles do not last forever. My hope for the future is to be able to pay what I have received forward and inspire others,” said Salamah.

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Also, check out pottery and other handicrafts made by peers: HEAL Shop