HEAL Corner

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HEAL Corner

HEAL Corner

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HEAL Corner


clock2 June 2022

ANGELINE TONG – With acceptance there is recovery

“I am very grateful to my family and friends as they have held my hand during this difficult journey and walked alongside me.”

Angeline Tong, 55, is a loving wife and daughter to aged parents. She lives with anxiety disorder. Her first panic attacks after she left her job of 15 years caught her by surprise. “Actually, this was also a wake-up call for me as I have learnt so much from my own illness. Little did I know that “normal- looking” people like myself can also be affected by mental health issues. That’s how stressful this society has become.”

As a Rehab Executive at Club HEAL and a certified Peer Support Specialist, Angeline who had previously worked in the army and in the sales industry has found her true calling in the mental health sector. “I am proud of myself because I am determined to help others who are going through the same experience as me as they have mental health issues similar to mine.”

To nurture her peace of mind, Angeline loves going for her daily walks and spiritual retreats. She cares for her husband of 20 years and is a pillar of support to her elderly parents. She believes in the importance of maintaining family ties through frequent gatherings.

“I practice Buddhism, scuba-dive and love going for retreats and overseas trips to unwind. I am happily married and I am caring for my aged parents. I have also interacted with strangers who are now my friends. I am very grateful to my family and friends as they have held my hand during this difficult journey and walked alongside me.”