SIDDIQ JUMALA – A Heart full of Hope
"Hope is knowing that there is light at the end of the tunnel."
Muhammad Siddiq Bin Jumala, 33, is a film enthusiast and is often described as an intelligent and thoughtful person by those closest to him. He is the youngest of five siblings, constantly doted on by his tightly knit and loving family.
Before becoming a peer support specialist at Club HEAL, Siddiq was a senior motion graphic designer. Despite loving his job, he faced challenges at work when he started experiencing symptoms such as mood swings, auditory and visual hallucinations. He was later diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder in 2016. During treatment, he realised that his condition could have been triggered by traumatic incidents during his younger days as well as past broken relationships.
“When I was at work previously, my symptoms tend to manifest when I’m stressed out. What helps me is being aware when I’m starting to feel the symptoms and learning to take a step back, informing my colleagues and leaving the situation for a while.”
Before attending counselling at Club HEAL, he felt that he had a tunnel vision whenever he felt down or depressed, he could not see a way out or rationalise his thoughts.
Having learned how to manage his mental health challenges, Siddiq is now passionate to use his lived experience to help others. He signed up to be a Peer Support Specialist under Club HEAL’s Our HEALing Voice programme. Inspired by what he has learned, he joined as a full-time staff in April 2023. He was excited to start his career journey in supporting and empowering others who like him, may be experiencing mental health issues.
He is inspired by those around him. He draws hope from his colleagues and others who are in recovery like him, and who live purposeful and fulfilling lives. “I am still affected by my mental condition, but I believe that recovery is a lifelong journey, not a finish line. Just like anyone else, I need my own zone to unwind and space for peace and quiet. Club HEAL has helped me have better clarity to understand my thought processes in a more coherent way. With the support and intervention, I’m glad I’m doing much better now.”
Click here for more information on Club HEAL’s Our HEALing Voice.